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Firstly I'd like to say what a great product recuva is as it has allowed me to restore some files I thought were lost forever...


The one problem I have though is that on a deep scan it has provided me with about 20000 jpg files on the drive I'm trying to recover from and of them there are only about 400 photos that aniticipate I need to restore. Is there anyway to refine search by using regular expression or the likes? as for example most my files needed only have about have 4 numbers followed by the extension .jpg. I've tried entering regular expression the search box to no avail.


It will take me hours to go through all the files and pick out the ones I need otherwise.


Any suggestions would be appreciated. I've looked at grouping by Path but that's not really going to help my cause as they're all over the show.


Many Thanks,


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The only thing I can think of is to type 1.jpg|2.jpg|3.jpg etc in the search box, which will give you all jpgs ending in a numeric. It's best to type this in Notepad or something and then copy/paste it into the search field.


I can't think of a fancy variation to give you all four numerics, perhaps some bright spark will be along later.

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