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Recover access is denied


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Hi all,


I was trying to recover a file being deleted in the recycle bin. Using deep scan I was able to locate the file with the correct size 3.04gb, although the file name was not displayed. Chose the file and clicked the "recover" button, then the message "access is denied" popped up.


System: windows 7 home premium 64bit

The file was deleted into the recycle bin then deleted from recycle bin later. So only deep scan is good to find the file. The location is D:\$recycle.bin\s-1-5-21....-1000\, the state is excellent and no overwritten clusters detected. the file name is missing though. Btw, all the files under that folder their file names are not displayed.


Btw, I am the only user of the computer and should have the admin permission.


Any thoughts? I will very appreciate it.




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Windows renames files sent to the recycler as $Innnnn.ext and $Rnnnnnn.ext. The data is on the $R file, info in the $I file. Look for these files in normal scan mode first.


I don't know why you can't recover these files, if you have admin permission.

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Thank you Mod. I can see a butch of $I*** files without any extension, they are with the same file size as 544 bites, but no $R*** files being found. There are also a lot of files showed up without any filenames. Those noname files seem to be the data files since the size vary. Some of the $I*** and noname files are located in the same folder. I can recover the $I*** files but not the noname files. For the noname files, the error was "access is denied". So I guess there could be some filename problem. I can see the file is there, jut can't recover it. Not sure what to do now, any suggestion? You can send me an email as well. Thank you.

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I know of no way with Recuva. By the way, can you recover any other files on that drive?


You might have better luck with another file recovery application, but I can't advise on that.

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Not sure what I have done but the problem just been fixed... I changed settings of the recycle bin properties, maybe those security settings, then the system reminded the recycle bin was corrupted and asked me to empty the recycle bin before continue. I did it then those deleted file names showed up in recuva and I was able to recover them. Anyway, thank you Mod for all the suggestions, I think the info is very useful and accurate, just windows sometimes is running in a way we can't understand.

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