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Secure Delete of Gutmann mkv not deleting properly


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Hi, I'm putting this in here because the topic is 'Bugs in the latest issue'. I am having a nasty problem with ccleaner. After using the secure delete function set to Gutmann, a .mkv media file in the waste bin seems not to be deleting properly. Instead, this file stays behind as a .mkv file with what appears to be a scrambeled title, which doesn't show up in the explorer or in the listings of temp files in ccleaner, but ccleaner attempts to delete it when going over the waste bin. However, it's still there after the run-through, and every time from the the time on when the media file first did not properly delete, it afterwards appears to take up all the free space on my hard drive. which is kind of a sucker. I think it must be faulty directory entry on the file making it appear to windows as if it was actually that size. My OS is Vista 64bit SP 2, hard drive is a 300 Gb WD Caviar, and does not report any faults with scandisk. Short of defragmenting (which might not help at all) or formatting (which is last option only, because I would rather have my wisdom teeth removed again than reworking my system), I don't know what to do. HELP! PLEASE!

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I managed to fix it myself. doing a defrag with the windows built-in gave me back the normal 100 Gb of free space.

BUT I'd like to say that a) I did not encounter this in the last version B) this is a serious problem, especially for someone wiht limited experience with computers. Don't know what exactly went wrong, maybe you guys can enlighten me on that one. If this problem persists (which I don't think it will, but could happen) with secure-deleting large files (5 Gb plus), I will consider using a different cleaner.

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I don't know what caused your problem, some minor file corruption maybe. but I would advise that you use one pass secure deletion instead of Gutmann, or even better just good old normal file deletion. Gutmanning a 5 gb file - if done properly - will result in onver 175 gb of data to be written to the disk, and possibly quite a lot more. Apart from the time taken, it gains nothing over one pass.


Was your bad file named $Rxxxxxx? Windows renames files sent to the recycler to this format, along with a matching $Ixxxxxx.

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