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Speccy (1.04 plus prev) causes my floppy to 'kerchunk'


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Was running the new version of Speccy, v1.04, and was reminded by the constant 'kerchunking' noise from my non-operational floppy disk drive, that for whatever reason, Speccy keeps testing, checking the drive about every 3 to 5 seconds. It does stop the kerchunking once I quit Speccy. ;)


It may be because this is an older machine, and the floppy stopped functioning a long while back - perhaps it is looking for a valid return state code?


May I suggest that, at least for floppy drive, if it does not get a satisfactory status code after x number of tries, it be allowed to give up, so that it doesn't keep kerchunking the drive? (maybe after 5 or 10 tries maximum)


Not a show stopper, just a suggestion for future release.


FYI: Windows XP SP3, Sony Vaio PCV RS 530G, 2 GB RAM.


Thank you. :)

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