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Settings not remembered.


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Usually I download a fresh copy of CCleaner and run everytime a download site informs me. Unfortunately whatever I do in Options >> Include >> (Custom files for deleting) gets lost on every update? I had to include them on every new version..


2.Can you also give a SINGLE BOX tick header for all the freebies. It is quite enervating to untick the option one by one..

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Hi nagan.


I'm wondering if you're removing the old version before installing the new.


CCleaner will happily install over the top of previous versions, and retain all user settings.


To be safe, you can go into "CCleaner\Options\Advanced" and check the "Save all settings to INI file" box, which will store all your user settings in an INI file found in the CCleaner "Program Files" folder, instead of storing them in the registry ...


"C:\Program Files\CCleaner"


... you can then make a copy of the INI file and store it elsewhere in case your settings get messed up again.


Although that shouldn't happen if you install new versions straight over the old.


Hope that helps.

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