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Multiple Selection in Registry Cleaner

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In the Registry cleaner it is not possible to check multiple keys using the Shift + Click option. You have to manually click on each key to check. (Correct me if I'm mistaken)


Can it be possible to add multiple selection?


We can already highlight multiple keys, but not check them at one go.

Simplicity is hard.

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In the Registry cleaner it is not possible to check multiple keys using the Shift + Click option. You have to manually click on each key to check. (Correct me if I'm mistaken)


Can it be possible to add multiple selection?


We can already highlight multiple keys, but not check them at one go.


Have you tried to use CTRL + click? It allows individual keys to be selected & deselected. Using this in addition to shift + click can work wonders.


We do need a search through results found, however. That is a fact.

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