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Need help


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Hi there,

I'm having a bit of a problem and I'm not sure if it's fixable or not.


Here goes:


I've used Recuva (and it's an INCREDIBLE PIECE OF SOFTWARE...THANK YOU ENDLESSLY!) and I'm trying to recover a folder that basically had everything in it.


I had profile corruption 2 times within' the past 5 months...so when I run the scan it's picking up copies of the files from both of my old profiles


Between the 2 profiles I can basically recover all of my files comparing the 2 folders Recuva is able to find


The problem is...One actually has a full file path and the other does not


Ex: C:/Documents and settings/(Username)/Desktop/All/My Music/*.mp3 I am able to use files recovered from the folder with the full profile path and they play full and just as they were before


The other path that Recuva is able to find shows as follows in Tree view


C:/?/All/My Music/*.mp3 Files I recover from this found folder do not seem to work whatsoever (mp3's, movies, pics etc)


I know the files still exist and they actually have size to them...but for some reason or another Windows has a problem using the files recovered from the "?" in Tree view mode


Is there something I'm missing? Is there something I can do to fix the path so it shows properly etc?


Like I said between these 2 folders I have pretty much EVERYTHING...If I can just get the files from the "?" Tree to actually work once they are recovered


I appreciate any help in the matter




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I want to also add that all the files I am trying to recover are labeled "Excellent" condition in Recuva


They just seem to be missing the profile part of the file path and because of this these files when recovered do not work

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