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CCleaner Delete Junctions


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if found that this line in the config file delete my juctions that i have created in : C:\Documents and settings\nicolas\Documents


Include1=PATH|C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp


i use the juction.exe from sysinternals


See you.

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No has i say the file pattern to be deleted is in c:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\*.rdtmp


And it delete the junction directories who are in C:\Documents and settings\nicolas\Documents\

The junctions is Images, Musiques, T?l?chargements and also it delete empty directory named tmp that made mistake with SubVersion

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The line starting "Include1=PATH" is ONLY added to the config file when YOU add an include file in CCleaner. As I said, go to CCleaner's Options, Include section and delete "C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp"


And it delete the junction directories who are in C:\Documents and settings\nicolas\Documents\

The junctions is Images, Musiques, T?l?chargements and also it delete empty directory named tmp that made mistake with SubVersion

That is a separate issue I think, I have no experience of Junctions though and don't really understand what you're getting at so maybe someone else can give some idea with that

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The line starting "Include1=PATH" is ONLY added to the config file when YOU add an include file in CCleaner. As I said, go to CCleaner's Options, Include section and delete "C:\Documents and Settings\nicolas\|*.rdbkp"



That is a separate issue I think, I have no experience of Junctions though and don't really understand what you're getting at so maybe someone else can give some idea with that


Yes i know for the include ;o)

i want delete file with this pattern in C:\Documents and settings\nicolas

but this delete junction that are in subdirectory my problem si the delete of the junction


sorry for my poor explanation i'm french

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  • Moderators

A previous discussion concerning "Junctions":




I hope this may help, or maybe a fellow Junction user may chip in as I wouldn't even hazard a guess on this one.



EDIT: Your English is fine nicolyon, it's our lack of knowledge of, or experience with, Junctions.


Welcome to Piriform by the way.

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