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Ran CCleaner and lost internet connection to my own router


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I have a laptop, a desktop, a wireless router (DLink), and a cable modem. My problem concerns my laptop and maybe my router. I'm running Vista.


I ran CCleaner. Then I launched Firefox. Firefox said that I was not connected to the internet. My wireless connection icon showed limited connection. I opened Network and Sharing Center and found that I had local access only, that is, connection from my laptop to my router, but not to the internet. I tried Internet Explorer and got the same result.


Using Network and Sharing Center, I disconnected from my own network and then tried to connect to it again. The connection dialogue box said, "it is taking longer than normal to connect to the network." Eventually, I got limited connection again -- laptop to router, but no internet.


I restarted the computer and tried again. Same result.


Then I tried to connect to a neighbor's unsecured network, and it worked.


The desktop is connected to the internet. My router and modem both show all green lights.


How can I reconnect to my own router? I think CCleaner must have changed something that allows me to access the internet.


Later today, when no one is using the desktop, I'll reset the entire network, but do I have to do that every time I run CCleaner?


Thank you.

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which model is the Dlink wireless router? please don't say DI524.


In any case, if this happens again, you could try the following if applicable:


1. try to switch off your WiFi if your laptop has such a physical switch. wait for 30 seconds and switch it on again.


2. if that didn't fix the problem, open a command prompt as an administrator and do the following:


ipconfig /release

ipconfig /renew



a quick reboot probably doesn't help too much because windows caches some settings

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I'm not terribly familiar with Vista network connections, but isn't whether it's LAN or internet a property of the connection itself somewhere? I.e. does it just need reconfiguring?


It does sound like your laptop rather than the network. Other things to try:


Disable / re-enable the connection.


Remove and recreate the connection.

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