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v2.27.107 not cleaning Run(in Start Menu)


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I don't use the run command all that often but I have typed in some web addresses lately and after using CCleaner, which is a lot, I am seeing the last web site I ran AFTER running CCleaner still in the Run box.


I'm running XP SP3 fully updated.


Thanks for a great product.

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Have you restarted the computer after running CCleaner?

No I didn't. I guess you are saying that is required? That's good to know. It's not a problem or anything but I don't turn my PC off after every running of CC or I'd be waiting alot for the PC to reboot because as I said, I run it alot while surfing to clear personal information before visiting other sites. I put together a batch file that cleans cookies, temporary internet files, and history but it seems to have slowed down since I installed Norton IS. I guess the AV doesn't like the batch file and keeps a close eye on iy when it's running and slows it down. CC runs fast cleaning those items plus the other stuff. I just never knew that some of the tracks wouldn't clear withouy a restart.


Thanks for the reply



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