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CCleaner and IE8


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I downloaded CCleaner a few days ago and ran it once, it worked just fine and cleared out about 240MB. However, it seems to have stopped IE8 (under Win 7) from automatically deleting its browsing history upon exit. Was wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if anyone has any suggestions ? (The 'delete browsing history on exit' checkbox is still checked, and it will delete histories happily when I tell it to, but not automatically anymore).


Thanks ver much



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Thanks JDPower. I tried that at the time and it didn't make any difference......except, of course, the next day everything seems to be back to normal, with IE8 clearing things as per usual. Maybe it just needed a proper power down or something. Will just have to see the next time I run CCleaner, which knowing me, won't be very often..........


Thanks again, here's hoping.

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