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so, um, how long do you think this will take?


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I am defraggler'ing it up right now, and i had a few questions.

Before i start i must tell you that i am using vista.



How long do you think this will take? This is my first time using this program, and it says my hardrive is 22% fragmentation. I have left it running in normal mode for about an hour now, and its only 15 % done.


I am also noticing my hard drive space slowly drain down as the test goes on, like most vista user have been encountering. Do you think it is a good idea to continue the defrag and try to recover the space later?



I was also wondering if i could play some games while it runs on normal mode.

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Is this the first time you've ever defragmented? Defragmentation always takes a long time. But hopefully it'll speed up. Your problem might be System Restore.


Another thread talks about this problem and Defraggler running 'extremely slow', look here and you might find an answer: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...21979&st=20


I have a theory, for why your hard drive space is filling up. Because of Volume Shadow Copy, which is part of system restore. As you defragment, Volume Shadow Copy keeps taking snap shots of your hard drive, and defraggler is basicly moving your files around on your harddrive. So Volume Shadow Copy is taking more and more point-in-time copies of your hard drive. Which fills up your freespace. And if you turn off system restore you also turn off Volume Shadow Copy. But this is just an idea, and may have no relevance to you at all. And you can turn it on and off whenever you want. I lost memory and continued with the defrag. You can always get it back later. It's not vanishing into thin air.


And what kind of games would you be running? You might be able to play a flash game online. But anything bigger than that would be a bad idea, if you still want to play it though, you can switch the Defragging Priority: Defraggler>Settings>Priority>Background. Then defragmentation will just take a long time. But won't effect what your doing on your computer.

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Is this the first time you've ever defragmented? Defragmentation always takes a long time. But hopefully it'll speed up. Your problem might be System Restore.


Another thread talks about this problem and Defraggler running 'extremely slow', look here and you might find an answer: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showto...21979&st=20


I have a theory, for why your hard drive space is filling up. Because of Volume Shadow Copy, which is part of system restore. As you defragment, Volume Shadow Copy keeps taking snap shots of your hard drive, and defraggler is basicly moving your files around on your harddrive. So Volume Shadow Copy is taking more and more point-in-time copies of your hard drive. Which fills up your freespace. And if you turn off system restore you also turn off Volume Shadow Copy. But this is just an idea, and may have no relevance to you at all. And you can turn it on and off whenever you want. I lost memory and continued with the defrag. You can always get it back later. It's not vanishing into thin air.


And what kind of games would you be running? You might be able to play a flash game online. But anything bigger than that would be a bad idea, if you still want to play it though, you can switch the Defragging Priority: Defraggler>Settings>Priority>Background. Then defragmentation will just take a long time. But won't effect what your doing on your computer.



Yeah, thanks for the help.

I stopped the process and cleaned up all that stuff, and now its going much faster.

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Is it not better just to leave the PC alone when it is defragging?

Even when I run virus sweeps I let the PC get on with it because every time you click the mouse, tap a key or run a program you cause interruptions on the system. Every spike counts ?

I only run these tasks when I do not intend to use the PC, like when I go to get food or sleep etc.

Unplug the Internet, stop all unnecessary app’s and come back later when you know it is done defragging or sweeping.

I have some rendering software that is treaded in the same way as it can take many hours just to render 1 frame.

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