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Does Recuva remove files from source upon recovery to a different location?


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It is not removed from the source drive and can be seen, and recovered again if you wish, on subsequent runs of Recuva.


Thanks Augeas. Here's my issue: I own one 1.5TB hard drive containing a single partition, which was accidentally formatted. I was able to discover a huge amount of data was recoverable with Recuva but it seems to me that the only way to recover all of that data to one partition would be to recover all of the found data to another 1.5TB partition. It seems to me that I need to purchase another 1.5TB hard drive in order to recover all of the lost data in a single session. Is that case or can is there a way to recover some of the data, go through it, then recover some more of the data, go through it, etc., until I am done recovering the data I would like to recover?


TIA for the help.

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I'm not really sure what you're saying. Yes, to recover all the data to another drive would require you to obtain another drive of sufficient size to take the data. Are you saying that can you recover some data to the same drive, then more etc? Not if you wish to recover a reasonable amount of data.


If Recuva recovers data to the same disk it will write to wherever free space is available. Sooner or later (sooner, if the disk is reasonably full) the data will overwrite other deleted data waiting to be recovered. From then on your chances of finding data to be recovered will diminish.


You could recover some data to a smaller sized external disk, hive it off somewhere and then recover some more, if that's what you mean.

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Thanks for the quick response. Sorry if my question was unclear. You have answered it, anyway! I am going to have to buy another drie of the same size so I would be able to recover everything in one session.

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