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CCleaner not cleaning new IE8 index.dats


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This screenshot from Index.dat Suite was taken AFTER having run CCleaner.


As you can see, the newer "index.dat" files created by IE8 are NOT being deleted.


Is there anyone else seeing this, or is it being worked on? Pete



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index.dat is not deleted after running ccleaner. It cant be. It's constantly in use. It's marked down for deletetion on system start up.


More more information on index.dat




One of their main complaints is that the index.dat files cannot be deleted or erased easily, because they are always open when Windows is running. Open or "locked" files cannot be deleted in any way when the process using them is running. Also, when this file grows larger, degraded web performance will occur.

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That's interesting. I'm assuming you were running under the profile that lives under your name. So we're only interested in those files (ccleaner only cleans the profile file under the profile that you are actually running ccleaner under), plus the 'C:\WINDOWS' one.


Bear in mind that these files have a default creation size; they don't start off at zero kb. I think 16kb and 32kb are IE7 default kinda sizes. The only file that seems to have an odd size is 'IECompatCache' ... but from what I can see (on Google) this may not contain user (your) data anyway. The only things I can't reconcile are the file timestamps (... so maybe there are entries in there ... see the suggestions below).


That leaves C:\WINDOWS\... I have no idea why there would be files there that are essentially profile files, unless the user or the system has moved them there; either way I strongly doubt that is a default ccleaner 'mop up' location.


This product will tell you which files are scheduled to be removed at next reboot (e.g. after you've run ccleaner with index.dat selected). Just confirm this works on your OS - you haven't said what it is but I assume XP from the path names.


Other products will allow you to view .dat file content. For example NirSoft do ones that allow you to easily browse your IE history and IE temporary files cache. This may enable you to see what's actually there after you've rebooted.


I'm not expressing an opinion as to whether there's anything wrong here (not least because I don't have IE8) - just adding some background ideas and information.

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