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Excluded directory not accessible


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When we exclude, i.e.: %userprofile%\local settings\temp\speechexec\*.*

The folder directly under the last (speechexec) gets killed.


It appears all of the ACLs have been removed. Ther is no Security tab on the folder.

Using CCleaner v.2.18.878 on Windows XP


Thanks, tjo

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When we exclude, i.e.: %userprofile%\local settings\temp\speechexec\*.*

The folder directly under the last (speechexec) gets killed.


My immediate reaction is that ANYTHING which puts stuff in %userprofile%\local settings\temp\

is declaring "this is temporary junk I do not need to keep but am too lazy to delete - you can zap it"


I would be interested in learning of any valid reason for expecting a temp\ folder to be preserved.


Please note that CCleaner -> Options -> Include CANNOT recognise %userprofile%

Perhaps also for CCleaner -> Options -> Exclude


Also please note %userprofile% is recognised by Winapp2.ini



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My immediate reaction is that ANYTHING which puts stuff in %userprofile%\local settings\temp\

is declaring "this is temporary junk I do not need to keep but am too lazy to delete - you can zap it"


I would be interested in learning of any valid reason for expecting a temp\ folder to be preserved.


Please note that CCleaner -> Options -> Include CANNOT recognise %userprofile%

Perhaps also for CCleaner -> Options -> Exclude


Also please note %userprofile% is recognised by Winapp2.ini





Weather what is in that folder is junk or not is irrelevant. It is not excluding what it should be excluding and it is leaving a folder not accessible, resulting in a program that does not work.

The use of %userprofile% is in Piriform on line help (Home → CCleaner → Advanced Usage → CCleaner .INI files → Environment variables and system variables in CCleaner).

The temp folder is fine, it is the folder directly beneath the temp folder that gets fried. I have to wonder how many other directories CCleaner is leaving unusable.

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Your link is useless - you forgot to say what web-site you "Home" was, and it wasted my time.


I had to go to where I already knew there was help, i.e.



You should have copied the address bar (shown above) and not a descriptive title two inches down and not findable with "Search".


I agree that the document commences :-

"You can use standard Windows environment variables and system variables in CCleaner's INI files."

and also includes %userprofile% as one such variable.

This IMPLIES that CCleaner.ini will understand %userprofile% - but it never said so.


I complained about %userprofile% not being usable - see http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showtopic=22968

Nergal confirmed, and also said it does not apply to exclude.

the ini file does fine with %variables% where I see non support is in the Include/exclude section


CCleaner will understand %userprofile% in a pre-defined Winappi.ini file that shows the default capabilities,

and it understands it in Winapp2.ini which will allow me to use "%userprofile%" when defining things to "Include" for deletion, but I am not aware of any way to do any sort of "Exclude" via Winapp2.ini


To stipulate in the GUI any folder or file for either inclusion or exclusion requires that it can be seen at that time.

I took this as a warning that circumventing the GUI restrictions by directly editing ccleaner.ini might go badly,

therefore I tested carefully and my fears were true.


Please advise, were you able to stipulate %userprofile% in an exclusion via the GUI, and if so how ?

or were you circumventing the GUI restrictions by a direct edit on CCleaner.ini ?


I strongly suspect that your "speechexec" stuff was NOT excluded because it did NOT understand %userprofile%,

therefore your speechexec should have been deleted.

If in fact it is still present but inaccessible then something has altered the ACL or permissions etc.,

and I do not believe CCleaner would do that.


Some files are protected by their originators.

My Antivirus and Firewall protection fully protect against deletion or anything else a virus may do to inhibit protection,

and it requires special procedures to successfully update / replace / remove / uninstall.

Perhaps your speechexec installation objected to CCleaner attempting to zap the files it thought it had hidden in a TEMP location, and it intercepted and blocked all access to that by anything other than itself.


NB I believe some viruses are like that - hiding in temporary locations and protecting themselves.




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