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How can I unselect things while using /auto?


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Hi concrete, and welcome to Piriform.


"CCleaner\Options\Cookies", and move the ones you need to keep across to the "Cookies To Keep" window.


Any files or folders you want to avoid cleaning can be entered into the "Exclude" window ... "CCleaner\Option\Exclude\File Or Folder".


Piriform Docs:

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Thanks for the reply!

I have about 50 pc's that I would like to run this on. Do I need to exclude folders and cookies manually or is there a switch for this?


You can untick the cookie checkboxes and ALL cookies will be preserved,

or you can stipulate as already advised which specific cookies to keep.


Assuming you wish to be selective, you can choose to :-

spend a lot of time manually excluding cookies on 50 different P.C.s ; or

Manually exclude cookies on only one P.C., and then copy ccleaner.ini to the other 49 computers

N.B. ccleaner.ini is ready to go if you use Portable CCleaner,

and NON-Portable CCleaner will create it by checking the "Save all settings to INI file" in Options => Advanced



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