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questions from a new user

omer kircher

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1) why does defraggler find a bunch of fragmented files after the microsoft defragmenter has run?


2) why are most of the blocks in the "map" red even though there only a few fragmented files?


3) why are names of files that are not fragmented displayed at the bottom of the "status" box?


4) in the status box, what exactly does "defragmenting (n%)" mean?


5) why does "current state" (usually) show the same GB for fragmented files as "analysis results" shows even though it is reporting fewer fragmented files?


6) what exactly does "n% fragmentation" mean?


7) under "current status", why does "n% fragmentation" sometimes increase?


8) why does "n% fragmentation" under "current state" show the same value (or nearly the same value) even though the number of fragmented files is significantly less that the number of fragmented files show under "analysis results"?


9) why isn't the color coding displayed along with the box with the disk "map" so that the user can more easily follow what is going on? i believe that sufficient room is available.


10) in the "map", what exactly does one of the small squares represent?


11) if defraggler is paused, stopped, and re-analyzed, why does the analysis show more fragmented files than the "current state" showed when defragnmenting was paused?


12) under "analysis results" why does "n% fragmentation" sometimes increase during degragmentation?

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