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Wish List


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I thought I'd start a wish list for things people would like to see in Defraggler. Here's mine:


1. A progress bar on the movement of the large files to the end of the disk drive so we know the program hasn't gotten stuck.

2. More colors so the different type of files can be identified (so maybe System files, ini files, exe files, dat files, etc....)

3. An option to have the defrag happen from the center of the disk drive outwards towards the edges of the drive (faster file access).

4. Maybe info on the size of the file being moved? (This would help people not think the program has stopped working if they knew the file was 10GB or so. :-) )


I realize that the type of file being moved (and the size) has nothing to do with whether the file is defragged or not - it's just a human failing to want to see things while they happen.




I realized, after I had posted, that you CAN already state what you think a big file is. Sorry about that! :-/

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I will add to this list:


-New feature to organize disk shorted by folders


Because my english is horrible I'll try to explain myself.


Last week I downloaded a new game called "Aion", after installation, this game take 8 Gb from disk (several number of files). In that moment I launch the game and it took like 2 minutes to get completely launched. Yestarday I defrag that hard drive, and now the game took me like 10 minutes to get launched. This is because the game files now are in different locations from the disk, so what I want to add to deffragler is an utility to get all those files toguether, in the same location of the disk, so this will speed up the launch of the game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very good idea to have a wish list for this excellent software.


Here is my suggestion:


1- It would be nice to show in different colors the folders, in order to differenciate them from the files.

2- It would be great to have the option "arrange the folders together in the fastest part of the disk" or something similar.

3- Missing colors in the color map.

There are some colors like light blue and light red (or orange colors), that are not explained in the color map.

4- It would be good to estimate how much time the defragmentation process will take.

5- It would be nice to have a time counter, in order to check how much time the defragmentation process is taking or took if already finished.


Sorry if I'm asking too much.



Juan Pablo from Argentina.

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