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MBAM vs Conficker

Tom AZ

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A friend of mine was infected with Conficker. Will a standard install of MBAM or SAS remove it?

I think standard MBAM (free) won't. It only detects other nasties like malware,spyware,bot & trojan.You can find further information in MBAM forum.


SAS free should find and remove this worm cause SAS has definitions for all known Confc variants. I have SAS Pro with real time protection to block it.


Most AVs can detect this worm.I prefer Avira or Avast with latest version/definitions.

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  • Moderators

I've edited one post above, and I've deleted another for exactly the same reason.


It is strictly against forum rules for anyone but a Spyware Moderator to dispense Malware Removal advice or link to Malware Removal tools.


Please read the Spyware Hell rules.




The posts are well meaning, but if allowed, would open the doors for any member to dispense Malware Removal advice, or recommend software designed to do that.


Not everyone would give good advice, and the result would be some very damaged computers.


I've taken no other action than to pm the members with an explanation, but if other members either don't read or take no notice of those hard and fast rules, then the Moderating team will probably have to take some form of action in future.



EDIT: Read the warnings at the bottom of that linked to page.

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