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Does CCleaner clean the MRU Keys from Registry ?


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Hi there


I came across the following article about "Really deleting your browsing history"




One of the reasons it caught my attention is that it mentions CCleaner which I use regularly.


The article implies CCleaner does not clean the index.dat records or the MRU keys from registry.


Looking at the CCleaner website, I see that index.dat records do appear to be cleaned but I can see no mention of the MRU keys.


Could some-one more knowledgeable and expert than me advise whether or not CCleaner cleans the MRU keys.


If so, perhaps someone from CCleaner should inform the guys at Makeuseof.com as their RSS feed is quite widely distributed.


If not, any comment on this apparent omission from CCleaner.


Many thanks and looking forward to advice/comments.

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CC not only cleans Windows MRU keys but also many 3rd party applications. Recently opened/saved files. Open/Save common dialogs. Start>Run. etc. CC cleans 'em.


"If so, perhaps someone from CCleaner should inform the guys at Makeuseof.com as their RSS feed is quite widely distributed."

It wont be me :D I doubt they would update it anyway. The value of the article is paranoia. Take that away and what would be left? :lol:



Thanks very much for your speedy and helpful response. I am pleased my faith in CCleaner has been restored (yet again !!)


On reflection I think I agree with you about letting them live in ignorance.


Many thanks and bye !!

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I downloaded and run Index.dat Suite.


and there was loads of entrys for todays activities


I closed browser & Index.dat Suite.


Ran CCleaner


Re opened Index.dat Suite.


No entrys :lol:


MRU blaster looks interesting but, I dont trust it

No fate but what we make

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