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World of (?:KeyLogger|War)craft


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I recently clicked on one of those stupid keylogger links that are posted all over the WoW forums, and I'm quite afraid to log in. I'm wondering on a few things :


1 ) I run Firefox 3.0.4 with NoScript, will this make me safe?

2 ) Would MBAM/Spybot/SUPERAnti-Spyware/AntiVir/ClamWin catch it if I did get infected with a keylogger?

3 ) Are there any keynotes I should look for in a HijackThis log?

Fantasy is the celebration of what we no longer are: individuals certain of our meaningfulness in a meaningful world. The wish-fulfillment that distinguishes fantasy from other genres is not to be the all-conquering hero, but to live in a meaningful world. The fact that such worlds are enchanted worlds, worlds steeped in magic, simply demonstrates the severity of our contemporary crisis.
Scott R. Bakker, Why Fantasy and Why Now?

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1 ) I run Firefox 3.0.4 with NoScript, will this make me safe?
There is no such thing as a safe browser.


2 ) Would MBAM/Spybot/SUPERAnti-Spyware/AntiVir/ClamWin catch it if I did get infected with a keylogger?
They probably would but but I would not want to remove any key logger as I know I would feel like I was a rape or burgled victim.


3 ) Are there any keynotes I should look for in a HijackThis log?
I keep a log of my known good system and make one whenever I do a major change plus I do have ERUNT files to restore my system.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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