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Can CCleaner select different registries?


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Is there any way CCleaner can select different registries to be cleaned? Got a dual-boot set up, I'm running on vista at the moment. It won't let me boot into xp, so I'm trying to see if I can scan it through vista. Tried installing it onto the xp portion, then selecting CCleaner by going into the xp program files. Launched up , but it still only scans vista registry. Help plz? :unsure: Thanks

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CC willl run for the current user of the OS. In other words, there is no way (that I know of) to runn CC from Vista and have it 'work' with registry hives for an XP install.


When booting into XP have you tried 'last known good configuration'? At what point durring the boot process are you having a problem?

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Darn thats too bad, the screen freezes goes black right after loading screen of Windows XP. It's as if it's loading the Desktop then goes black. Yes, I have tried that and safe mode. When in Vista, ran Windows defender to scan XP's windows folder. It did find trojan's removed them all, still no luck. I also tried the reinstall cd to repair but that option isn't there. Ran the chkdsk command both /p and /r neither would work. I'm sure it's just a registry error(hopefully?), which program will work under the XP registry though?

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"I'm sure it's just a registry error(hopefully?), which program will work under the XP registry though?"

None that I know of. Do you have another user account in XP to try logging into?


There were trojans? I would take advantage of Vista being functional and backup any important files from the XP install.


"also tried the reinstall cd to repair but that option isn't there"

See this page http://www.michaelstevenstech.com/XPrepairinstall.htm#RI

You want to install. Windows setup will detect a previous installation and at that time allow you to repair it.

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