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Just a positive thing here. I paid about $80 dollars for two diffrent programs to help recover baby pictures of my children that I forgot to back up and recuva has recovered about 85% of all the data. With the other programs I've used a lot that were free. I didn't even get a good 50% of my pictures back. So I haven't run into any problems yet. Even if I do I was able to get a lot of stuff back that would have been lost forever for FREE and I want to thank the people responsible. And I've been telling everyone I know about this little gem. Because that is what it is to me


THANK YOU very much..........


kiki in california

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Just a positive thing here. I paid about $80 dollars for two diffrent programs to help recover baby pictures of my children that I forgot to back up and recuva has recovered about 85% of all the data. With the other programs I've used a lot that were free. I didn't even get a good 50% of my pictures back. So I haven't run into any problems yet. Even if I do I was able to get a lot of stuff back that would have been lost forever for FREE and I want to thank the people responsible. And I've been telling everyone I know about this little gem. Because that is what it is to me


THANK YOU very much..........


kiki in california

Hi kiki,

It is wonderful to hear such reports.

Everybody that helps here and especially those that developed the program really deserve to hear this more often.

Thank you for your report.

:) davey

P.S. If you want some good advice and free backup software then you just post a "new topic" in the Software forum.

Celebration in California !!! and the U.K. !!!

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I reran the software after I had some some files that recuva didn't find that were still in my index. And guess what it found them too. Rerun it after you clean up everything.

Just to pile on with the accolades a bit...


I tried 2 expensive programs and they failed miserably, but Recuva saved roughly 90% of the data off my FULL 500gb HD.



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I pretty much recovered all of my file, to the best of my knowledge...

the only problem was that a few of them were corrupted. That's the failed HD's fault, of course, not recuva's.

I haven't given up on trying to repair the corrupted files, but I'm content with what I was able to successfully restore.

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I second davey. A breath of fresh air you guys.


Plenty of people come on here, get help, and never even bother to post back saying their problem has been fixed. Not all, but plenty.


It's always refreshing to see folk take the trouble you have, and I'm sure I speak for everyone on here when I say it is appreciated.

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