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Can't get my passwords back!


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All my saved passwords for Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, online banking, etc. are gone. I've added all the sites to the cookies to exclude list, including macromedia flash files....no luck!


This is obviously quite annoying since I now must enter all usernames and passwords when I log onto my favorite sites.


Any help would be so very much appreciated!



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Hi verymuchso, and welcome to the forum.


Have you had a look for flash cookies (settings.sol files) in the following locations:


C:\Documents and Settings\< user name >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\EJR7ZWV7


C:\Documents and Settings\< username >\Application Data\Macromedia\Flash Player\macromedia.com\support\flashplayer\sys


If you find them in these locations, you can add them to CCleaners File or Folder "exclude" section.


CCleaner > Options > Exclude > Add File/Add Folder


Edit: I've just been reminded by a member to tell you about the CCleaner Beginners Guide.



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All my saved passwords for Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, online banking, etc. are gone. I've added all the sites to the cookies to exclude list, including macromedia flash files....no luck!


This is obviously quite annoying since I now must enter all usernames and passwords when I log onto my favorite sites.


Any help would be so very much appreciated!



Hi verymuchso,

If you have already run CCleaner without previously saving your "Cookies to keep" and turning off the option to clean Macromedia/Adobe Flash Player then that data has been deleted. If you have backups then it can be recovered from there.

There are only two other ways that you could recover that data:

1. Perform a System Restore right prior to the time that you ran CCleaner for the first time. Be warned that a System Restore may also affect things that you have changed since that time.

2. A very slim chance that you could "recover" the files using Piriform's Recuva program. Slim chance because those files may have already been overwritten during the normal use of your PC since that time.


Good luck,

:) davey


CCleaner Beginner's Guide.com Bookmark and save to Favorites


Beginners advice

Start here with this link and follow its advice.


Also see this link about the Registry and newbies.


Come back and let us know how you did and what else we can help you with. There are lots of easy things to learn. One step at time.

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Thanks for your helpful pm davey, but I think I'll stick with my original advice, as verymuchso will possibly have reactivated some, most, or all of his login details by the time he returns, and the important thing is to find where they are.


I've been down this very same road, and chose the method that didn't carry the risk of changing other things on the my pc, or worse, and that is to simply reactivate the cookies, and then find where they are. As you would say, keep it simple.


Of course verymuchso, I'm happy to go along with whatever you decide, as there's always people here to steer you along any next step that may be needed, be that a system restore, or find where your cookies live if you've already revisited the sites in question.

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Thanks for your helpful pm davey, but I think I'll stick with my original advice, as verymuchso will possibly have reactivated some, most, or all of his login details by the time he returns, and the important thing is to find where they are.


I've been down this very same road, and chose the method that didn't carry the risk of changing other things on the my pc, or worse, and that is to simply reactivate the cookies, and then find where they are. As you would say, keep it simple.


Of course verymuchso, I'm happy to go along with whatever you decide, as there's always people here to steer you along any next step that may be needed, be that a system restore, or find where your cookies live if you've already revisited the sites in question.

Yes, I failed to mention that as the easiest resolution.

Revisiting sites and re-activating passwords and such is the simplest way.


I hope that new users see this thread and keep it in mind that there are steps to be taken before you run your first "cleaning" using CCleaner.


I hope to see some new section added to the CCleaner Beginners Guide at the beginning emphasizing these steps to be taken.


I would also like to see a direct link to the CCleaner Beginners Guide from the Download page and Help page at CCleaner.com .


This would eliminate many new user problems.


:) davey

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I hope to see some new section added to the CCleaner Beginners Guide at the beginning emphasizing these steps to be taken.
This assumes that people will read first then follow directions then run CCleaner.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

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