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I have a problem that has been going on for years with my computer now. It involves my IE7 browsing history. Now the problem is; certain websites on my history will NOT delete. It has nothing to do with the websites itself because it happens with random sites, sometimes even specific you tube channels. I delete all my history, cookies, and cache... so the history appears to be gone, but lets say with certain sites, when I type in the first letter of the website, the auto fill automatically shows the whole website that was supposed to be deleted, it doesn?t show when you drop down the address bar through, just when you type the first letter. So I look in my history, the websites are gone, so then I search these specific websites in the history, and they?re still there! (only in the search). So I right click and delete, but that doesn?t touch them. Then I try dragging them off and deleting them, and it actually deletes. But then it immediately comes back!!! Some of these web addressed are nearly a year old, and they don?t delete! It picks random sites I visit at random times! I even tried deleting auto fill, still, those websites are STILL there. And no they?re not viruses or spy ware either. So how do I delete them? Will CCleaner delete these histories successfully?


Also just recently I have come across a more serious problem. Whenever I try to post on forums I keep getting script errors and the page has to close down. Even when I?m randomly viewing sites a script error will pop up, my page will close, and then an error report pops up. When I was installing avira recently, the script error occurred during installation and then my whole screen turned blue saying my comp had to shut down due to an error. When I logged back on my comp a message came up saying my comp corrected itself from an error but it has not. I then luckily was able to install avira and the results were ?warnings:2?, ?detected:0?. So no viruses but what are the warnings? I had to type this message up on ms word and copy/paste it here as if I type it up here my page will close down. Please help me someone with these 2 issues, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Down in the lower right in the Taskbar double click click on the time display.


You do have the time set to display in Taskbar properties don't you?


The timezone is set to Microsoft's west coast USA location at XP installation time.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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Down in the lower right in the Taskbar double click click on the time display.


You do have the time set to display in Taskbar properties don't you?


The timezone is set to Microsoft's west coast USA location at XP installation time.



I already checked this and the dates are fine and everything. Someone told me to "repair" IE7 on the control pannel or something. How do I do this and will this work?

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You could try the repair options in Dial-A-Fix and or try a Reinstall/Repair



Here is one of the instructions on the site on how to repair IE7:


Method to follow if you have Internet Explorer 7

If you have Internet Explorer 7, you can repair damaged files or missing registration information in Internet Explorer 7. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Start Internet Explorer 7.

2. On the Tools menu, click Internet Options.

3. On the Advanced tab, click Reset.

4. In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, click Reset to confirm.


Ok so I open IE7, I go to tools and Internet options, I click the advanced tab, but all thats there is check boxes. There is no "reset", why dont I have it?

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Ok so I open IE7, I go to tools and Internet options, I click the advanced tab, but all thats there is check boxes. There is no "reset", why dont I have it?

This is from my XP Pro system:



Looks like you are running with Limited User Account.

"Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school." - Albert Einstein

IE7Pro user

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