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Few sites do not open


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Hi all,


I recently changed my Internet Service Provider(ISP). Ever since, I am not able to open certain sites(Eg. www.icicibank.com) from my computer. I have no problems at all visiting other sites. But I never faced such problems with my earlier ISP. I thought it might be a problem with the DNS. So, I acquired the IP address of the website( and tried to access it. But it still did not work. Hence, the DNS is fine. I contacted my ISP, but they do not think there is some problem at their end.

Please let me know what all steps I can take to rule out any error with my system. I am working on MS Windows XP SP2 with an ADSL 2+ modem connected to my LAN port. I am able to access these otherwise elusive sites through a proxy server though.



Ritchie I K.

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Hi all,


I recently changed my Internet Service Provider(ISP). Ever since, I am not able to open certain sites(Eg. www.icicibank.com) from my computer. I have no problems at all visiting other sites. But I never faced such problems with my earlier ISP. I thought it might be a problem with the DNS. So, I acquired the IP address of the website( and tried to access it. But it still did not work. Hence, the DNS is fine. I contacted my ISP, but they do not think there is some problem at their end.

Please let me know what all steps I can take to rule out any error with my system. I am working on MS Windows XP SP2 with an ADSL 2+ modem connected to my LAN port. I am able to access these otherwise elusive sites through a proxy server though.



Ritchie I K.

Hello Ritchie,

Are all these sites ones that might require specific information from your PC before even allowing you to connect with their site.

For security reasons of course,some financial sites may do this.

Did your new ISP also provide some sort of hardware firewall that you may have to change?

Just some thoughts.

:) davey

P.S. After some time to think I realized that you may also be using CCleaner and that is why you are here asking this question.

A similar problem occurred for a member not very long ago.

See this post and thread. He also had ADSL.His problem was worse but the solution may be the same.


Edited by davey
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