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keeping Cookies


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I am running CCleaner v2.8.588 on my XP Pro SP3 laptop. But I have a problem with the cookie delete feature.


I choose to keep cookies from certain websites and when I review the cookies folder in Windows, those cookies are kept (example mario@news.yahoo[1].txt).


But when I go to the websites, the websites act as if it was the first time I was going to that website, and a new cookie for that website shows up (example mario@news.yahoo[2].txt).


It appears that the cookies are being kept, but then they are not 'seen' by IE generating a new cookie.


Can you please help?




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Welcome to Piriform MMM.


Well I don't know if this is a glitch with SP3 because it works perfectly for me with WinXP SP2. I've heard that SP3 has caused ever more problems perhaps the SP4 will clear them. ;)


Did it work ok with your old SP2?



Windows XP 2002 SP3

IE 7.0




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I did not use CCleaner with SP2 and don't have a machine with SP2 to try it.


But I've been doing some additional testing and here is something interesting.... When I start with an empty Cookies folder and then visit a website, I end up with a cookie for it, mario@finance.yahoo[1].txt


Then, I run CCleaner and the cookie remains there, as expected. However, when I re-visit the website, it is as if the cookie did not exists and then generates another cookie for the website, mario@finance.yahoo[3].txt


However, when I leave that website, cookie #3 renames itself to cookie #2, a new one.


I run CCleaner again, and both cookies are there, #1 and #2. The information from cookie #2 is always there.


I ran CCleaner multiple times and the information from cookie #2 always comes up.


Don't really understand it....


I manually deleted cookie #1 and left cookie #2. When I revisited the website, cookie #2 became cookie #1, holding the same information as cookie #2. But when I left the website, cookie #1 became cookie #2 again.


I ran CCleaner multiple times and cookie #2 is still there with the same information.


Go figure....



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I'm running SP3 and that cookie behavior is the same as it was in SP2.


When I look at my cookies in WinPatrol I often see multiple cookies for sites I want to keep.


They don't take up much space so I don't worry about them.


About once a month I clean out all my cookies then log back in to wherever I want then insure I save those cookies.

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