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CCleaner and Wireless Router


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I really love CCleaner, but I recently added a linksys wireless router and adapter to my other PC and first time I ran it, I lost my internet connection, OS is Vista home premium and thankfully I was one of the lucky ones and system restore put me back on the net. The downside is....I am afraid to run CCleaner again. Which is one of my favorite programs, Please let me know what not to clean when I run it, if possible


Thanks for everything!


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I really love CCleaner, but I recently added a linksys wireless router and adapter to my other PC and first time I ran it, I lost my internet connection, OS is Vista home premium and thankfully I was one of the lucky ones and system restore put me back on the net. The downside is....I am afraid to run CCleaner again. Which is one of my favorite programs, Please let me know what not to clean when I run it, if possible


Thanks for everything!


Hi Dutch,

Welcome to the forum!!!

We have been waiting to hear from you.Two others that I know of have had similar problems.

Right now we are trying to gather data related to this problem?

Could you please provide more information about your Linksys wireless router and adapter.

Did you pay attention to where the software was downloaded and then where it installed?

Was the software on a CD?


The more information that you can provide the better.

The following info will help others to possibly come up with a solution.

These answers help to evaluate the problem.Just fill in the answers next to the questions?


Provide a list of your CCleaner.ini file.( Tick option for Save settings to INI file at Options > Advanced then close CCleaner.This file will be created in C:\Program Files\CCleaner folder.)


Do you use a winapp2.ini file?


Are you running with Administrator privileges.


CCleaner version ?


OS,edition ,32bit or 64bit and version ? OS Vista HOME PREMIUM SP?


Browsers and ver.?


Security software and ver?


Other data you think might be relevant?


What did you do and then what happened?


Thanks for answering all these questions,

:) davey

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As much as I would like to help, I am embarassed to say that I am not even sure that CCleaner caused the problem now, So it wouldn't be relevant for me to give that info, although I wouldn't mind at all, if I even really knew what half the stuff you're talking about was. Short of surfing the web, my computer experience = about 3 months.


Turns out...everyday when I get up my wireless conn. is gone, all I have to do to get it back is restart my PC, So, of course the system restore worked.


When I ran CCleaner, I didnt try to get on the net for a while so I associated it with the last thing I done. and not even then, until I read the other post on here about it,


Sorry for the post, not only to the board members here, but also to anyone else that may be mislead by my little mini dump.


When I do have the time, I am going to look into it more and will be glad to help with whatever I can.


Good luck to all.


on a side note...I wanted to go back and edit my original post "description" and add "so I thought" to the original "CCleaner knocked out my wireless connection"

but couldn't do it.

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As much as I would like to help, I am embarassed to say that I am not even sure that CCleaner caused the problem now, So it wouldn't be relevant for me to give that info, although I wouldn't mind at all, if I even really knew what half the stuff you're talking about was. Short of surfing the web, my computer experience = about 3 months.


Turns out...everyday when I get up my wireless conn. is gone, all I have to do to get it back is restart my PC, So, of course the system restore worked.


When I ran CCleaner, I didnt try to get on the net for a while so I associated it with the last thing I done. and not even then, until I read the other post on here about it,


Sorry for the post, not only to the board members here, but also to anyone else that may be mislead by my little mini dump.


When I do have the time, I am going to look into it more and will be glad to help with whatever I can.


Good luck to all.


on a side note...I wanted to go back and edit my original post "description" and add "so I thought" to the original "CCleaner knocked out my wireless connection"

but couldn't do it.

Hi Dutch,

Thanks for for your return message and your honesty.


You are just the kind of member we value most.

I am "just" a member of the forum like you are.

It seems to me that you are taking advantage of reading the forums and speeding up your learning curve as a result.This is an excellent practice.


You deserve help and advice and we are here to do that.

Being a new user is always overwhelming at times.I was in your boots only months ago myself.

If I knew more about "wireless" routers and Vista,I would definitely offer more specific advice.

I will offer what advice and tips that I can.


"System start-up","Boot","Restart",and "Reboot" are very similar terms.They all accomplish basically the same functions with minor differences.A "restart" or "reboot" infers that the PC was running and the user decided to stop the PC and reload the PC.This in effect is another "system start-up".This is always advisable when the the user has installed new software,uninstalled old software,or encountered a situation that they don't know how to control.This at least allows the system software to shut-down the PC in a controlled manner and avoid possible loss of data and such.

For many reasons it is a good practice to do this at least once a day.


"System Restore" is quite different and you can look that up.It is not a normal procedure to perform.

Some inexperienced users are misled into believing that it is something they should do before seeking advice.It is not.


There are many reasons why you can lose your Internet connection.CCleaner is not known for doing this.There is always a possibility for a "bug".We are currently trying to determine if this has happened in certain specific situations.


You can re-establish connectivity to the Internet without performing a "restart".There are many ways to do this but I don't know Vista or your Start-menu items.The objective is to open Network Connections and right click on the connection Icon.You can then select Disable.Right click again and select Enable.

This should re-establish your connection.


I have found Wikipedia to be the quickest and best way to learn about new terms.I use it even for just a refresher.Save this link to your Favorites.You can search for "system restore","reboot","browsers" and such.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Searc...arch=&go=Go Wikipedia Search


To help you in your searches of the forums,try this fun link.


Then you can do a search on "new users advice" including the quotes.


You are always welcome to the forums and ask whatever you like.We are all learning here.

Good Luck,

:) davey

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