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Bad allocation?


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I just install the program and it works great everywhere but not where I need it. I have an LaCie USB external hard drive and I need to restore 1 photo and also 1 .txt file.


When I try to explore the hard drive with recuva it tells me Bad allocation (down the left side). I need a little help to know if this problem can be fixed to try restoring those files.


It should be really nice if I can restore the full directory but I have tried with 2 programs yet and no one could find what I want but they found lot?s stuff I really doesn?t need.


Thanks lot?s for your help :rolleyes:

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I got a similar problem too, but recuva say the file is in excellent condition.

The file is about 3.5 gigabyte in size.


This is the error log Recuva gave me in debug mode:


[2007-10-01 20:15:42] [iNFO ] Recuva v1.06.132

[2007-10-01 20:15:42] [iNFO ] System Info: MS Windows XP SP2, Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.50GHz, 2,0GB RAM, Sapphire RADEON X1600 PRO

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] OEM Name NTFS

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] Reading MFT form 4

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] Read from MFT: 47512 records total

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] Boot sector:











[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] Reading up to 48652288 bytes at 0

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (2)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (3)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (4)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (5)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (6)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (7)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (8)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (9)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (11)

[2007-10-01 20:16:10] [iNFO ] File record found (12)

[2007-10-01 20:16:15] [iNFO ] Reached the EOF

[2007-10-01 20:16:15] [iNFO ] Building folders

[2007-10-01 20:16:15] [iNFO ] Restoring tree

[2007-10-01 20:16:15] [iNFO ] Building file map

[2007-10-01 20:16:15] [iNFO ] Analyzing damage

[2007-10-01 20:16:16] [iNFO ] Returning list

[2007-10-01 20:16:56] [iNFO ] OEM Name NTFS

[2007-10-01 20:16:56] [iNFO ] Recovery has started

[2007-10-01 20:16:56] [iNFO ] Trying to recover C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\ME\SKRIVEBORD\Dg1.iso

[2007-10-01 20:16:56] [iNFO ] File size is -778192896

[2007-10-01 20:16:56] [ERROR] bad allocation

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