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Want to keep some FLASH data


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I'm a Harry Potter fan, and on one of the websites for fandom, HPANA, I do a quiz where my answers are kept in FLASH somewhere. It doesn't seem to be cookies, but it might be. I have used CC to clean out the data so I can start fresh and take the quiz over and over. But sometimes, I want to keep my score there AND use CC to clean everything else. How can I make CC skip over my stored data when I want it to? Thanks ever so much! az

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If its stored in flash then the only thing you can do is uncheck it. CCleaner cant selectivly keep things like it can for cookies with flash. Its all or nothing.(CCleaner 2 might change that...)



Thanks rridgely for the answer. There is no specific place to check or uncheck FLASH. BUT when everything is checked it certainly deletes all Flash data. Can you tell me which of the check boxes deletes Flash? :mellow:

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