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Why does CCleaner not remove these files?


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When I hit "analyze", CCleaner always identifies these files as files to be deleted, and yet CCleaner never deletes these files:


C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_0g18quvAsmH2voi 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_1mpUqTX6GLwenlu 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_2iyaOb1II1pV3hj 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_5wam62EadVViFSQ 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_9mkealABcfbXiNq 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_aHVBneVUyjuVrXv 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_aLSuFfefDdjf7Wa 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_bfhbSjP9YUBwVCD 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_C8ASBW44ctGdh1i 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_CQCRyYsuAMmbHm0 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_d37CV6KlfCqO26i 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_eM75Acc4uWYbUPf 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_eSTIQNaBo9P9KMk 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_F2nwJfG9NjInXKo 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_fSbNGbHKqli95hx 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_giDcLlzSPwDaGXP 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_gpiEG882MGkw0QV 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_ilBkvYvYujgKZwN 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_IV41py9zqFpltWs 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_iwXssZm8Oz8JI73 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_L0uFC0hrX1hq1SW 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_LerYAavJN3sWamo 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_MndBJhDzptgTnZt 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_mPPO4EB6nRdkkTN 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_Mt8i23Q6qIUjirQ 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_OpBWkS7biplAmSV 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_ou0v0mS1bgTUmP2 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_pDx896T59aMAtXs 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_pRX3e0Mq2PhLxow 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_PrYCb198kzFqy3y 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_qPr4xYfVrANe1eK 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_sGhJObuazAkLemz 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_SnBukuZwXJmi3qW 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_SQIVD3oDxeuDbYc 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_ssvnEZdfCc0YxjB 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_SzCL4EnxEskIBhH 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_tFgd5dKrTcILYrV 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_THnHo73kbF9CuG5 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_tJ8qPw3s7zmQswh 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_tXgfdsh3z5sYIdp 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_UK5YYnDXmw8p9u6 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_uOrEclVkxlQdpDt 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_VaFmZh0kE0z8Z2y 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_VXGiby0WMsCEAVS 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_xDrShBz3gnYoAKH 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_xLz4I6leoBLgj2E 0 bytes

C:\Windows\TEMP\sqlite_YaA6XPNqXjjhSVE 0 bytes

C:\Windows\system32\wbem\Logs\wmiprov.log 368 bytes

C:\Windows\setuperr.log 0 bytes

C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode\ChkAcc.log 0 bytes

C:\Windows\Debug\UserMode\ChkAcc.bak 0 bytes


My computer runs on Windows Vista Home Premium. I have set DEP (Data Execution Prevention) to ignore CCleaner. Does anyone know why these files cannot be deleted, and exactly what purpose they serve, if any?

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Ah, the new version does do the trick. Thanks.




Well it was working. Now those files are back, and they will not go away. Normally, this would not bother me, but the quantity of these files is growing. A few weeks ago there were only a few, but now there has got to be over 40. It is as if CCleaner just ignores these files once I hit "run cleaner". I have tried secure, and unsecure deletion. Neither work.

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