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Is it save 2 put a check mark by ALL items in Advanced in CCleaner? :huh::unsure:

And Forgive me....

Can u tell me where I can post an HIJACKTHIS log? :o:rolleyes:

No, not unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing. Have a read of the beginners guide (HERE) for an idea of what they do but I'd recommend leaving them alone.


Post your HJT logs on this very forums HJT log analysis sectrion: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12 ;)

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No, not unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing. Have a read of the beginners guide (HERE) for an idea of what they do but I'd recommend leaving them alone.


Post your HJT logs on this very forums HJT log analysis sectrion: http://forum.piriform.com/index.php?showforum=12 ;)




Thank you very much will take heed to what you said and i will post the HJT log at tht site u recommended.




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