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Posts posted by jbp359

  1. I am looking for a remote access program so I can work on my dad's computer from my home.  He's very senior and clicks on pop-ups so whenever I go up to visit I spend at least one afternoon cleaning up his messes. (Dad on computer: oh look, a free walmart gift card!  Me: Dad, what did I just tell you about clicking on those things?!  *CLICK* ) I live about 350 miles from him so I can't just run up there. I see that the business package has a "cloud" program that would allow remote access, sounds like it might be an answer for me. But I am leery of what the cost is. Any comments, suggestions, advice?  If this cloud program is costly, can anyone recommend a remote program that works well? 

  2. When searching for duplicate files to delete, the results give me questions because I am not that proficient in programming. Duplicate files shown have the same name, file size and creation date/time but the File Path is different. How do I know I can delete a file if it has a different path and if I can/should how do I know which duplicate file to delete?

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