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Everything posted by Yannis_GR

  1. Hi to all AShield in version 2.0.62 has allready some improvements, but please see this post for the upcoming features. The strenthnen of the AShield rules will make it more difficult to be bypassed my malware.
  2. Well , is there anybody who has tried this software? Opinions please!
  3. A good software for anonymous web-surfing is Arovax SmartHide, www.smarthide.com . It encrypts your http connection for the following ports: 80 - HTTP listening port 443 - HTTPS - HTTP Protocol over TLS/SSL (encrypted transmission) 110 - POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3) - used for sending/retrieving E-mails 5190 - ICQ and AOL Instant Messenger Currently is in beta version 1.0.226, you can join the Arovax forum in order to request a download link and free test it on your own. The next one will be available soon and it will provide http plus udp protection for P2P. Please let me know your opinion about this software. Thanks.
  4. Yes, it is 100% safe, at least in my PC. I use Arovax products (Shield, SmartHide, Antispyware) for months along with SuperAS and nothing bad happened. Right, AShield 2 is for only XP/2000 systems any more.
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