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Everything posted by nuevo

  1. nuevo

    DLL error

    Thanks for the tip-I will have a go at it!
  2. nuevo

    DLL error

    Thanks hazelnut. After I used Transfer my PC from the old PC to the new laptop Easy Photoprint went over, but when I tried to open it it would not work and i got a crash. So I tied to uninstall all the bits that came with the printer driver, including Easy Photo print. On re-installation it still was not working and I found when I ran the Add/Remove programs that clicking on Easy photoprint showed up this error. Subsequently the error seems to stop proper re-installation even though this appears to go through OK. I have looked through the link you suggest but can't see a reference to the exact error. Would it be possible to delete it somehow without fouling anything else up? I am not exactly V. techy, but can follow instructions! Maybe I should give up on this program and use another photo printing system? The printer works OK still
  3. nuevo

    DLL error

    Can any one advise how to remove a DLL error window? I recently got a new laptop and ran Transfer myPC I re-installed Epson D68 printer software which came with Epson Photoprint, which I found easy to use. However, on the laptop Epson Easy photo print will not install or uninstall and I get an error mesage as follows- >Setup DLL\SetupDLL.cpp(2622)pAPP:EPSON Creativity Suite PVENDOR:EPSON PGUID:5DA7BC15-18D3-41A0-9F59-838DA3EAEF17$ XP Service Pack2 (2600) IE6.0.2900.2180 How can I get out of this, Please?
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