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Posts posted by InfiNil

  1. 16 hours ago, robmm76 said:

    A couple of questions... 

    When I use Chrome "clear browsing data" and then quit Chrome and run CCleaner, I find 300,000 ... files still remaining.  CCleaner deletes these.  How do I get Chrome to clean up better?

    When I use Chrome "clear browsing data" it clears my cookies for accounts I wish to keep.  Then when I try to log on, the account assumes an "attack" and I have to authenticate myself and change my password.  CCleaner allows me to choose which cookies to keep.  Is there a way to do this in Chrome or another cleaner?

    I can manage started tasks by running msconfig.  I haven't yet looked for another way to clean up the Windows Register.

    So I run CCleaner after shutting down Chrome (or any other browser) and then kill CCleaner with the task manager.

    I appreciate the guidance from How-To Geek about CCleaner but it is seriously inadequate in offering practical alternatives.



    @robmm76 : I believe you're off-topic (this is not a discussion about browsers or Chrome) and also on the wrong forum, this is not "How-To-Geek"... you must have followed the wrong link or URL.

    This forum is exclusively about Piriform(/Avast) CCleaner. 



  2. On 8/6/2018 at 02:57, jwoods said:

    I have to say the level of FUD in this thread is amazing.

    One way to find out what is being sent to Piriform (Avast) is to run a Wireshark trace and examine the packets.

    Most would rather just repeat the FUD rather than try to actually prove their claims.

    I personally have found no evidence of personal information being sent by CCleaner.

    If anyone has, I would be interested in seeing it.

    BTW, gathering metrics is not new. Lots of software these days gather metrics, including antivirus and anti-malware programs.

    If it bothers you, simply add a firewall rule to block CCleaner from making outgoing connections.



    Like we have nothing else to do but run Wireshark or create FW rules for functionalities which ought to be "optionable" and "selectable" by the user !?

    I don't do FUD, I can imagine several valid reasons for CCleaner or any product to "phone home" e.g. find out if there is an update would be the first one.

    (But the functionality ought to be an setting selectable by the user - which it is, I know that I can (dis)activate the checking for updates... I don't know if it prevents CCleaner from calling home afterwards though, I haven't tested it yet.)


  3. On 7/30/2018 at 20:06, DR3WST3R said:

    i'm sick of active monitoring refusing to be disabled, keeps re-activating itself and booting with pc



    I agree !

    It is far more than a nuisance. It borders on spying.

    If a user does not want monitoring, for any reason, if said User disables the options in the settings, the soft MUST follow the settings.

    You claim to be listening to users ? Where ?


    Update : I found out after writing this that Piriform/Avast had reverted to v:44.

    So I need to update my post to say "thank you" for listening and making it possible for us to revert to v.44 while waiting for a better v.45+ or v.46.


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