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  1. bxy

    Recuva changing Numbers

    Maybe, that could be an explanation. However the first scan I did was not deep, and found nothing at all. Have since done 3 deep scans, all the same results as above. And still why is it bringing back the old stuff that was recorded over (the whole shoot in tact) and not a single picture from either of the newer shoots?
  2. 16Gig Kingston Compact Flash Fat 64 Card is full or was before everything disappeared, deleted, formatted, corrupted: unknown Card only shows a file structure n one file. when running Recuva, at about 16% it says 723 found when Recuva finishes it says 348 found 0 ignored 14 Gigs The files recovered are from 3 shoots ago, nothing from the 2 shoots since. The files from 3 shoots ago were deleted, the 2 newer shoots recorded over them The new pictures were there on the card, we reviewed them, n copied a few before they disappeared. Recuva was run in Deep Scan, with everything checked, including 0 byte files...
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