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Everything posted by LaffCrazyIck

  1. CCleaner Professional (before v5.23) can and DOES access the cookies database while Firefox (v51) is running. I checked, just now, with v5.22. I also verified that CCleaner did actually remove the cookies and LSOs. There's only one category of cookies that CCleaner 5.22 (& earlier) can't remove while the browser is open: cookies from tabs that are currently loaded in memory. Cleans cookies from unloaded tabs. Cleans cookies from closed tabs. An earlier poster to this forum reported similar results with Internet Explorer. CCleaner wiped his cookies from his running IE browser until v5.23. This functionality may seem insignificant to people who rarely used it, but it's important to users who relied on it throughout the day, every day. It was an integral part of my browser hygeine. Nergal, would you please alert a CCleaner dev to my posts. Maybe they can locate the code changes that broke this part CCleaner. (TIA) Edit: there are other exceptions to the cookies that it can clean. I'm seeing a couple of news website cookies that aren't being erased, but an hour earlier I also watched CCleaner erase a dozen cookies, leaving behind nothing except my desired "cookies to keep."
  2. Hi, Piriform crew. I'm a long-time user. I often clear Firefox's internet cache and remove unwanted cookies while the browser is open & running. Before v5.23, my routine was: 1. click a toolbar button to clear the cache 2. right-click the tray icon to run ccleaner and purge unwanted cookies & local-storage Simple. Easy. Fast. Five months ago, v5.23 (and later versions) removed the ability to clean cookies while the browser was still running. The loss almost drove me to use a firefox add-on for cookie management, but CCleaner's thoroughness is superior. It finds cookies (and local storage) that are missed by those browser add-ons. So I still use CCleaner for cookie management, but it's a hassle. With CCleaner v5.23 to 5.26, my cookie-clearing routine has been: 1. Quit. 2. Wait for CCleaner to run. 3. Start browser 4. Wait a while (many extensions and tabs) I'm finally impatient enough to create a Piriform forum account and, I hope, catch the eyes of some CCleaner developers. Perhaps the missing functionality was lost accidentally while working on v5.23? (I hope.) You can see why it matters to me and to at least one other person who wrote about it here in the community forum.
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