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  1. Thanks for that tip makes a bit more sense now. I think I did deep scan. I also sorted by name and didn't see any duplicates. Also I didn't see any $ and I think everything was excellent. I began deselecting larger files to get everything down to a size that would fit on to the new 2TB drive I bought but it only restored 730 simple files like documents and a few jpgs and there was no folder structure. Why would this happen when Recuva said it had over 2TB of data to recover? I'm trying again (deep scan takes 12 hours).
  2. Recuva found all the files from a 2TB drive that I accidentally formatted but when choosing another 2TB drive to recover the file to it says Insufficient space, available: 1,860GB, Necessary: 2,035 GB. Do you want to change the destination folder? This does not make sense because the formatted 2TB drive I was trying to rescover was not even full, it was maybe 70-80% full but now Recuva is saying it has over 2TB of files to move. Are there duplicates? How can I resolve this and move the files to the new drive?
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