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Everything posted by aaronlucato

  1. Registered only to post on this topic. THIS IS bulls**t! There's no such thing as "Windows Serial Key different from Windows Product Key". What a piece of crap! Isn't it more beautiful, correct and reasonable to just admit there was a mistake; a bug? Instead of making up fake stories and explanations? Fake stories like "The serial key is the unique identifier for that piece of software, where was the license/product key is just a code that unlocks the software to make us usable", as well as metaphors like the address and the locker key ones... We all know about the purpose of our product keys, and THERE IS NOT any "serial keys" intended to be any "unique identifier for that piece of software" for Windows. Microsoft made product keys instead. (for that same purpose) AND EVEN IF WAS... AND EVEN IF WAS, INDEED, A "WINDOWS SERIAL KEY" THAT DIFFERS FROM OUR MUCH KNOWN WINDOWS PRODUCT KEY, WHAT DO YOU THINK MOST USERS WOULD WANT TO SEE THERE: YOUR MADE-UP "WINDOWS SERIAL KEY" bulls**t, OR THE OLD, COMMON AND USEFUL WINDOWS PRODUCT KEY? As I said before... Isn't it more beautiful, correct and reasonable to just admit there was a mistake; a bug? And to just simply correct this bug on the next version of Speccy? Do not get me wrong, as I love Piriform's softwares. I have almost all of them installed on my PC, and I'm willing to buy all the pro versions on a near future. But as I saw this topic when searching for the same issue on Google, I couldn't stay quiet when I read the Admin's answer. Anyway, if you want to ban me, go ahead. I just had to say that.
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