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Posts posted by ff-rec

  1. The last time I faffed about with ext4 it wasn't able to be mounted under Windows, so I had to use a piece of freeby software to act as an intermediary. Not very convenient, and I don't know if Recuva would be able to handle it, but better than formatting to NTFS (you would have to do a deep scan).


    It would help if the release notes were a little more expansive.


    i have tried ext2fsd and extfs for windows and in both cases windows can't read the drive... do you remember which software you used?


    also, my case is the following i lost all my files in the drive (ext4) if i format to ntfs (in case i cant get recuva to read the drive) would i be able to recover them?


    thanks bro.

  2. Ok, I'm not sure why it didn't for you. Hmm, does windows see and assign a drive letter to the drive?


    windows is having a hard time reading the drive actually...

  3. Hello,


    I need to recover all the files from my ext4 hd. I am using windows 7 and the latest version of Recuva but it can't access the hd.


    Any help please?



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