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Posts posted by Tristrambryan

  1. Here's another example of phantom files that show up in Defraggler as fragmented, but un-defragable, and undisplayable in Windows Exploring: work files(maybe) from the freeware, Gadwin PrintScreen. I set it up to save screenprints as .jpg and it does, and these can be displayed, defraged, or deleted. BUT what gets left behind are .bmp versions with the same names. Defraggler shows these files as very fragmented. Use the go to containing folder option and these files are not listed. Yes, I've turned on display of protected system files, show file extensions, etc, but no soap. I'd just love to be able to get to these files, or, at least defrag them! I'm running Windows 7 with all important updates applied. Anyone else run into this?

  2. Window Size and Location cache, I think. I have this option unchecked and my folder settings never revert back to the deafult.




    Thank you! I unchecked it and now my file display options stay put.

  3. In File Exploring, I like to set all my folders to view details, unless they contain all images -- these I set to thumbnails. When I run CC, these folder display settings all get set back to the Windows default. What box should I uncheck to stop this? What else will be left behind if I uncheck this box?

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