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Everything posted by escape75

  1. So what I mean is this ... CCleaner expects Opera files in "C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable", but newer Opera releases keep some files there and some under a subfolder named "Default", so in order to fix the issue I close Opera, copy all files from "Default" back to the parent folder (overwriting a few files), then create a symbolic directory link named "Default" that points back to parent ... This way CCleaner is happy as the files are where they should, and Opera is fooled into thinking Default folder exists, but when it reads/writes to the Default folder, it's really reading/writing to the parent folder and everything is fine :) From the "C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable" in CMD, this creates the fake folder: "mklink /D Default ." Of course, the folder needs to be removed first (after copying the files from it back to parent), this is a one-time procedure.
  2. There's one but not very elegant solution to this ... From "C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable" copy the contents of the "Default" sub-folder back to the parent (Opera Stable), and then create a symbolic directory "Default" that points back to parent: mklink /D Default .
  3. Since Opera 104.x the folders have now moved to Default,- so CCleaner doesn't clean anything anymore. C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable -> C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Default
  4. That is true, but there's a lot of files there and I feel like I shouldn't mess with them ... I don't think browser settings are there, as they are in the 'opera stable' folder but I didn't check that closely :)
  5. UPDATE: 6.16 doesn't seem to fix it ... One way to fix is to remove/rename the "Default" subfolder and move files to the parent of the "Default" subfolder: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable *Unfortunately this isn't a fix but a workaround*
  6. UPDATE: I figured it out ... It seems starting with Opera 100.x, the browser can use 2 different locations for storing Cache, etc: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable as well as the newer style: C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Default When opera stores in the first path, cleaning works as expected, but if it uses the 2nd path, it doesn't work. One way to force Opera to use the 2nd path is to create a "Default" folder under "Opera Stable", and restart browser. One way to force Opera to use the 1st path is to remove the "Default" folder and restart the browser. *All these changes of course will reset your preferences and there will be loss of data*
  7. Yeah I think there was an issue with Opera 102.0.4880.16, maybe that's why another station running Opera 101 won't update to 102 yet ... It seems they messed up the paths and corrected again in 102.0.4880.29 ...
  8. UPDATE: It seems now fixed again in the new Opera ?! 102.0.4880.16 had an issue and wasn't being cleaned, but 102.0.4880.29 seems to work again ...
  9. From what I can tell, it's: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Default\Cache\Cache_Data\* C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Default\History
  10. My Opera just got updated from 101.xxx to 102.xxx and now the newest version of CCleaner doesn't clean browsing history, or downloads, for Opera ...
  11. Excluding the File System folder for Opera fixes the above issue ... C:\Users\*USER*\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\File System\*.*
  12. Just an update, 5.17.5590 still has the same issue with Opera + Adguard.
  13. It seems that newest CCleaner with newest Opera with newest Adguard installed, cleans all Adguard "User Filter" rules, tried both on Win7 32bit and Win10 64 bit. "Whitelist" rules are not deleted, so that works fine. Update: Problem goes away when I un-check "Internet Cache" in CCleaner. Thanks for looking into this!
  14. If you visit a bookmark, then do a search from Omnibox (address bar) it will show the bookmark since it was visited (proper behavior). Now clean Opera (v27) entirely from CCleaner 5.03 and do a search from Omnibox again, it shows again (wrong behavior). Now do an entire history clean from inside Opera itself and perform a search and it no longer shows the bookmark. Thanks.
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