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  1. Hi DennisD, Thank you for taking the time to repsond to my/our questions. It just puzzled me that I can see the program finding 200+ files and not showing a preview of any one file. Normal mode shows me 78 or so that can be recovered. odd that those 70+ don't show up as GOOD in the 200 others! If they are able to be recovered using normal mode. logic wouuld dictate those same files would show up in the deep scan. Or at least that's the way it seems to me it 'should' work! I was interested in trying to find only one file and nothing had be added to the CF card to over write that existing data. Not the end of the world it's only one file and I am making do without it. I do appreciate all of the forums and the volunteers that man them, most don't have the time or inclination to do that. Thank you! Regards, ES44AC
  2. Looks like no one is especailly bothered by our troubles..........<Sigh> the replies aren't exactly clogging up the board.
  3. I am trying to use Recuva to find a .jpg fine on my CF card. If I use the "deep scan" it indicates there are at least 200 files there, but after it gives me that pronouncement it doesn't show any previews good or failed. The card was had a main folder on it and 3 sub folders, I'm thinkiing this is what's messing up the recovery? I am trying to scan the main folder so you'd think all the sub folders would go with it. If I just use the simplest method it shows me about 70 files and previews of them too, or most of them. I haven't used the card since I deteted the one file I wanted so nothing has overwritten existing data. I don't get why the program shows me 200+ files but gives me no chance to view ANY of them. I don't mind waiting while it runs and searches, but don't tell me they are there and then not open them! What am I doing wrong? All are .jpgs there are no RAW ones on the card fwiw. Thanks in advance to all who reply, ES44AC
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