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Posts posted by DevlinSyde

  1. Well, renaming CCleaner.exe to CCL.exe and getting it to work in Windows' normative state narrows down the possible culprits.  Also, the subtle detail you mentioned seeing the mouse turn to an hour glass after double-clicking CCleaner.exe (before renaming the file) makes me believe CCleaner did execute but another process is terminating it before you see CCleaner's GUI being displayed.



    Post edited by moderator

  2. Can you be more specific?

    How are you opening CCleaner (link; directly from double-clicking on CCleaner.exe; command line)?

    When you say, "It does not start" do you mean the application doesn't even execute/load up or do you mean clicking "Run Cleaner" does nothing?


    If the application isn't even executing/loading up, try renaming "CCleaner.exe" to something like "CxC.exe" and double-clicking "CxC.exe". Often times Malware (if it is Malware) will run process killing functions against a predefined list of common utilities and "CCleaner.exe" could be included in that list.


    If you're *positive* Malware is not a culprit you could try uninstalling CCleaner and re-installing it (especially if you've been using those snake oil registry-cleaning applications) to hopefully restore any broken registry keys.


    If that doesn't even work, try uninstalling CCleaner and re-installing a slightly older build of it.

  3. If I have previously enabled the option "Minmize to System Tray" and I run CCleaner using the /AUTO switch, initially hovering the mouse over the system tray icon will display a tooltip with the percentage complete as it runs silently.  As soon as I double-click the system tray icon to bring up the GUI and re-minimize it back to the system tray, hovering the mouse over the system tray icon will omit the percentage complete.


    Steps to reproduce:

    0) Make sure you've dirtied up your system quite a bit with Internet cache, Recycle Bin items, etc... for the sake of this example.  It's probably a good idea to have "Secure Wipe" enabled too just to slow all this entire process down to see what's going on.

    1) Open CCleaner and make sure "Minmize to System Tray" is CHECKED.

    2) Close out of CCleaner completely.

    3) Open up cmd.exe and type: "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO

    4) Hover your mouse over the system tray icon and it should display "CCleaner (Cleaning... N%)" (N = percent complete).

    5) Double click on the system tray icon to bring up the GUI.

    6) Minimize the GUI back to the system tray.

    7) Hover your mouse over the system tray icon and it displays "CCleaner (Cleaning...)"


    Intended result:

    The tooltip should retain, "CCleaner (Cleaning... N%)" after displaying the GUI & re-minimizing it to the system tray.


    Actual result:

    The tooltip doesn't retain the percent completed after displaying the GUI & re-minimizing it to the system tray.

  4. As of CCleaner 4.09.4471, when CCleaner is run and minimized to the system tray hovering over the system tray icon will produce a tooltip like the following:

    CCleaner (Cleaning... 25%)

    I would like a more descriptive tooltip which would display the current operation such as the following:

    CCleaner (Cleaning... 25%)
    Google Chrome
    Internet Cache

    ^ 57 characters (including the carriage return and line feeds [\x0D\x0A])


    Now there would be times when you would have crazy-long tooltips such as the following:

    CCleaner (Cleaning... 25%)
    Empty Recycle Bin

    That would be an eye sore to display so I'm thinking you could truncate all that unnecessary path information to just display the drive and file and display it as the following:

    CCleaner (Cleaning... 25%)
    Empty Recycle Bin

    The reason for more descriptive tooltips comes from times when I'll see CCleaner's system tray tooltip display that it's "Cleaning... 40%" for quite a while (and I wont know why).  After double-clicking the system tray icon to bring up the GUI, I'll see that it's securely wiping some large file.  By having more descriptive tooltips, I can just hover my mouse over the system tray icon and figure out what file CCleaner is currently cleaning.

  5. In my limited testing, it will prompt you with that "Chrome needs to be closed" message if CCleaner detects any process with the name "chrome.exe" (regardless if it is the legitimate Google Chrome or not).



    1) Run Task Manager (TaskMgr.exe) before running CCleaner and look for any processes named "chrome.exe".

    2) Open up cmd.exe and type: tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq chrome.exe" before running CCleaner.


    Report back.

  6. dima9751,


    Have you considered using a custom "winapp2.ini" file for your specific needs?


    Copy the following code into Notepad and save as "winapp2.ini" (using quotes) in the same directory as you have CCleaner.

    [Remote Desktop]
    Detect=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client
    FileKey1=%localappdata%\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Cache|*.*
    RegKey1=HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\Default

    Open up CCleaner and look for the new "Remote Desktop" checkbox under the "Windows" category.

  7. CCleaner 4.09.4471 (19 Dec 2013)

    Windows 7 (32-bit)


    Please fix (or bring back) the "/SHUTDOWN" command-line parameter.  I don't know if it was an intentional decision to remove the /SHUTDOWN parameter or is an unintentional bug from the inclusion of that checkbox in the GUI to shutdown after running CCleaner.


    While your changelog indicates that you've included an option to shutdown after cleaning many people rely on batch/powershell scripts to handle automated tasks.  There are times where it's nice to launch CCleaner with just /AUTO (without shutting down) but at the end of the day, I like to launch it with /AUTO /SHUTDOWN.  With this newest build, my only option is to check "Shutdown after cleaning" and only run CCleaner at the end of the day since you've forced me into an all-or-nothing approach.   :(  Please bring back the flexibility of using the /SHUTDOWN command-line parameter.


    Steps to reproduce:

    1) Open CCleaner and make sure "Shutdown after cleaning" is UNCHECKED.

    2) Close out of CCleaner completely.

    3) Open up cmd.exe and type: "%ProgramFiles%\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe" /AUTO /SHUTDOWN


    Intended result:

    CCleaner will run and clean all traces I have specified AND shutdown afterwards.


    Actual result:

    CCleaner will run and clean all traces I have specified.

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