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  1. Maybe it's calleed browsing history - showing websites I've viewed recently. Now i see it - I didn't even know there was an option on cc for firefox...internet history they call it. Thanks.
  2. is there a way to stop this? Thanks!
  3. Hi - I got a new computer & mover from xp to Win 7. Is there any way to use/install my old settings - especially cookies - so i don't have to start over? Thanks.
  4. Hi - Thanks for all the replies. It's an old drive, only about 160 gig, uSB 2.0, so I think it should work fine.
  5. update - it does show up in tools & I see I can overwrite several times
  6. Thanks - I didn't know if CC is any more thorough than just reformatting. Is reformatting enough to make it safe to give away??
  7. can I do this? It's installed on my computer but I need to wipe an outboard drive. Thanks!
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