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Posts posted by ChickenCleanerUser

  1. Just wanted to ask you blokes that if I keep my laptop's built in camera and mic on but don't use it, does it gives the secret agencies a back door access to my online activities? and if yes then how do I stop it? How do you blokes as being a hat representative keep yourself to a minimum exposure? and what is a server bot, is it for real?

  2. Just want to say thanks to all the CCleaner team for making this awesome, small and yet very helpful System Utility software. I know that all you mates work hard as a team every day, solving from minor to major bugs, handling threads from other users, improving the program and bringing a newer version in less than a month. So, thank you guys for keeping the spirit and this forum alive and I as well as all the other users will keep supporting you guys with a lot of appreciation messages, posting bugs and posting new features to help improve this program. By the way, are you guys Black Hats, White Hats or Brown Hats?

  3. All sensible suggestions are given consideration by the devs CCU, and I've no doubt yours will be. As to whether they add it is entirely in their domain as we have no influence over their decisions at all.


    Personally, I prefer the "Quick Launch" shortcut outlined above which doesn't necessitate the launching of CCleaner at all, but it's all personal choice.


    All I can say is watch out for the feature in future versions, and your suggestion is appreciated.


    Thanks for your appreciation and I hope you'll like it.

  4. I can see exactly where you're coming from CCU, and lots of software, including other defraggers, have this useful feature.


    Although I see nothing wrong with your request, setting up an "auto shutdown" shortcut ends up being much more convenient to use than an auto shutdown button.


    I have one for CCleaner sitting in the "Quick Launch" toolbar of my XP desktop. At the end of the day it's just a "one click, clean, and shutdown", as opposed to having to launch CCleaner, navigate to the auto shutdown setting box, activate it, and then run CCleaner.


    Any setting box would have to deactivate after each use of course.


    A full and detailed description of how to set this up is available here ...






    A one time set up and that's it. Very easy and convenient.


    Hope that helps.


    Ok, I've got another very simple solution, why not just add a simple empty box that says automatic shutdown, if a user needs the CCLEANER to automatically shutdown after cleaning then he could simply just click on that small empty box during the cleaning process and it would be tick marked and the CCLEANER would automatically create an entry in the scheduled task section and after the cleaning the CCLEANER would automatically shutdown without any compromise. The IOBIT's ADVANCE SYSTEM CARE and BLUESPRING's JETCLEAN has the same thing. You should check it out :)
  5. That involves ridiculous additional popups and clicks for those who vary whether or not they require shut-down after CClean


    All you need to do, ONCE ONLY, is to create a standard desktop short-cut to CCleaner in the normal fashion and modify by appending the magic arguments /auto /shutdown


    Then when ready to clean and shut-down you simply launch via this modified short-cut.

    When you wish to clean without shut-down you launch via a standard short-cut without the arguments.


    That's fair enough. Thanks :)

  6. If they were to put it in the UI with say a button that button would need to be well enough away from all areas which users normally click within the program to avoid accidental shutdowns.


    Ok if that's the case then why not add the button in the CCleaner's interface before the run ccleaner button or how about when you click the run ccleanr button then a message popups that says "automatically shutdown computer after cleaning with yes and no option and below that you can tickmark the option do not show this message again. You can then restore it back by going in the advanced setting and clicking on the option that says "always show automatically shutdown computer after cleaning" :)

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