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Everything posted by svenvandewege

  1. @augeas: Removing the partion (whatever that means) Now it is as simply as that. Have you never removed a partition? You can do that in the computer management/disk manager in windows xp and higher.
  2. Hello, I am using CCleaner's drive wiper very often. Could it be possible to create an option to remove the partition after doing a "whole drive" wiping? Now ccleaner is wiping the data from the selected partitions, but reformats them afterwards. I would like to have an option to remove the partition after wiping instead of formatting. Thanks
  3. Hello, The following command switches are not working anymore since 2.12. df.exe c:\ /s df.exe d:\ /s etc
  4. Hello, Would be nice if there could be an analyze switch for the commandline version of defraggler, so that you can see at least how much the drive has been fragmented.
  5. Hello everybody, I am using defraggler and specially in commandline mode. I know that you can launch a quickdefrag by using the /qd parameter. However, it would be nice to be able to define the quickdefrag options also through the command line. For example, to defrag files that has larger fragments then xxx.
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