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Everything posted by Orris

  1. Sadly, the "crappy uninstaller" was C Cleaner. It was given the chance to remove the unmodified Fliptoast and left a pile of stuff behind.
  2. Recently a freeware program surreptitiously added Fliptoast to my PC. I tried to remove it via Control Panel, but an (Inactive) icon remained in the gadget bar on screen right. I treid CCleaner but it couldn't see anything left. Went into regedit and found a bit more (under Fliptoast). Icon stayed. Someone said download Fliptoast and ask CCleaner to remove the whole thing, so I did that. Guess what? Now I have two Fliptoast icons in the Gadget bar, and there was even bigger pile of debris in the registry. Why can't CCleaner find and remove either the whole program or the stray bits left over? Thanks.
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