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Everything posted by weaselspleen

  1. After looking at the screen shot, I just had to comment on this. You've got a 120 megabyte SD card, that has 114 megs in use (less than 6% free space.) On top of that, there's a single file on the drive that is almost 70 megs. Seriously, this use case is ridiculous. It's impossible to derive any meaningful conclusions about Defraggler's performance from this scenario. It's like firing the babysitter because she didn't mow your lawn. You wondered why the file end up more fragmented at the end than at the start? Most likely this is because the option to move large files to the end of the disk was turned on. There's not enough free space available to defrag that file in the first place, but when you tell it to also move the entire file to a different part of the disk, that means it HAS to fragment the file further, because it's literally impossible to move it any other way. Turning this option off would probably (eventually) allow the file to be fully defragmented, but why anyone would ever actually want to go to all this trouble I can't imagine. Don't bother moving the files off and reformatting the card. Throw it in the trash and buy a much bigger, much faster one for $6.
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